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More Kinfire Chronicles Loot
Bundle - Kinfire Chronicles: Night's Fall and Upgrade Kit (Save 20!)
Kinfire Chronicles: Night's Fall Board Game (2nd Printing)
Kinfire Chronicles Upgrade Kit (2.0)
Kinfire Delve: Callous' Lab
Kinfire Delve: Scorn's Stockade
Kinfire Delve: Vainglory's Grotto
Kinfire Delve: Playmat
A Gentle Rain Candle
A Gentle Rain
Kinfire Chronicles - Blank Quest Folio (4-pack)
Kinfire Chronicles - Metal Fate Tokens
Kinfire Chronicles - Neoprene Player Mats (set of 6)
Kinfire Chronicles - Custom Card Sleeves, 6 designs
Kinfire Chronicles - Enemy Acrylic Standees
Metal Print - Scorn's Stockade
Metal Print - Callous' Lab
Matte Poster - Vainglory's Grotto
Matte Poster - Scorn's Stockade
Matte Poster - Callous' Lab
Metal Print - Vainglory's Grotto

What Players Think
Meet the Masterminds
Kevin Wilson
Game Design Director
Kevin Wilson
Game Design Director
Kevin Wilson
Game Design Director
Katarzyna Redesiuk
Art Director
Jane Chung Hoffacker
Robert Hunt

Kinfire Chronicles: First Expedition

& Updates

Delving Well
Or, Everything You Wanted to Know About Delving But Were Afraid to Ask If you’ve had trouble with one or more of the Masters in Kinfire Delve, this article will...
Delving Well
Or, Everything You Wanted to Know About Delving But Were Afraid to Ask If you’ve had trouble with one or more of the Masters in Kinfire Delve, this article will...

Designer Diary: Kinfire Delve: Callous' Lab
How Many Ants Would You Crush to Survive? Going into the third Kinfire Delve Box, Callous’ Lab, I was in the home stretch for the initial planned run of Delve...
Designer Diary: Kinfire Delve: Callous' Lab
How Many Ants Would You Crush to Survive? Going into the third Kinfire Delve Box, Callous’ Lab, I was in the home stretch for the initial planned run of Delve...

Embracing Mental Health Month with A Gentle Rain
After a long day with many thoughts racing to compete for my attention, I find board games give me the opportunity to take care of myself, to relax, focus, and...
Embracing Mental Health Month with A Gentle Rain
After a long day with many thoughts racing to compete for my attention, I find board games give me the opportunity to take care of myself, to relax, focus, and...

Kinfire Council Design Diary #3: Ia! Ia! Altan Ftaghn!
Kinfire Council Design Diary #3: Ia! Ia! Altan Ftaghn! As we’ve prepared for the kickstarter, I’ve done a lot of firming up the design and we’ve done a ton more...
Kinfire Council Design Diary #3: Ia! Ia! Altan Ftaghn!
Kinfire Council Design Diary #3: Ia! Ia! Altan Ftaghn! As we’ve prepared for the kickstarter, I’ve done a lot of firming up the design and we’ve done a ton more...

Kinfire Council Design Diary #2
Kinfire Council Design Diary #2 You Haul 16 Cubes, and What Do You Get? Check Out the Kickstarter: Hello again! I’ve been hard at work playtesting the game, and it’s...
Kinfire Council Design Diary #2
Kinfire Council Design Diary #2 You Haul 16 Cubes, and What Do You Get? Check Out the Kickstarter: Hello again! I’ve been hard at work playtesting the game, and it’s...

Designer Diary: Kinfire Delve: Scorn's Stockade
Welcome to My Well, Prisoner 24601 After I finished the first Kinfire Delve box, Vainglory’s Grotto, I knew it was going to be a tough act to follow. As I talked about in...
Designer Diary: Kinfire Delve: Scorn's Stockade
Welcome to My Well, Prisoner 24601 After I finished the first Kinfire Delve box, Vainglory’s Grotto, I knew it was going to be a tough act to follow. As I talked about in...